Monday, May 26, 2014

Emotional tirades...

It seems people come out of the woodwork when a tragedy occurs, and each of them knows just what you and others need to do to reduce the chance of the tragedy occurring again or so the tragedy never happens again...

It matters not if the attack is against women, jews, african-americans, homosexuals, wasps, ... 

Some folk just know that you... need to do more.

Let me suggest that life is not safe. There are no guarantees of you being safe, free, or happy.

One wishes life were based on logic and critical thinking, but, if it were, would these same people be critical of others they do not know all while suggesting others need to do more? We all have flaws...

Do they know what we do, have done, or are doing? The speaking out is for them to not feel powerless-to make them seem better than that which caused the trahedy and to feel empowered to help solve the issue.

If we were all logical, we would have no need to be critical. Rather, we would simply discuss and hope to educate-all while realizing not everyone shares the same worldview. We would have no need to show we were better... Knowing would be enough...

Those who really want to help might consider getting off social media, stop blaming others, and go do-talk to prisoners, help with anger classes, and help educate people.

However, one need not fight against domestic violence, racial violence, anti-semite hate, or other single issue. How about focus on fighting violence, hate, stereotypes, bias, and intolerance rather than violence, hate, stereotype, bias, and intolerance against a single group? Get rid of the forest, and the trees are already gone...
