Monday, May 26, 2014

Emotional tirades...

It seems people come out of the woodwork when a tragedy occurs, and each of them knows just what you and others need to do to reduce the chance of the tragedy occurring again or so the tragedy never happens again...

It matters not if the attack is against women, jews, african-americans, homosexuals, wasps, ... 

Some folk just know that you... need to do more.

Let me suggest that life is not safe. There are no guarantees of you being safe, free, or happy.

One wishes life were based on logic and critical thinking, but, if it were, would these same people be critical of others they do not know all while suggesting others need to do more? We all have flaws...

Do they know what we do, have done, or are doing? The speaking out is for them to not feel powerless-to make them seem better than that which caused the trahedy and to feel empowered to help solve the issue.

If we were all logical, we would have no need to be critical. Rather, we would simply discuss and hope to educate-all while realizing not everyone shares the same worldview. We would have no need to show we were better... Knowing would be enough...

Those who really want to help might consider getting off social media, stop blaming others, and go do-talk to prisoners, help with anger classes, and help educate people.

However, one need not fight against domestic violence, racial violence, anti-semite hate, or other single issue. How about focus on fighting violence, hate, stereotypes, bias, and intolerance rather than violence, hate, stereotype, bias, and intolerance against a single group? Get rid of the forest, and the trees are already gone...


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Decimal Degrees Conversion...

I see posts on - line leading to sites that will convert this for you...

As pointed out here (, it really isn't hard...

Here's How:

Convert 121.135 Decimal Degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds...

1. The whole units of degrees will remain the same (i.e. in 121.135° longitude, start with 121°).

2. Multiply the decimal by 60 (i.e. .135 * 60 = 8.1). The whole number becomes the minutes (8').

3. Take the remaining decimal and multiply by 60. (i.e. .1 * 60 = 6). The resulting number becomes the seconds (6"). Seconds can remain as a decimal.

Take your three sets of numbers and put them together, using the symbols for degrees (°), minutes (‘), and seconds (")...

The answer is: 121°8'6" longitude...

Use your mind...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Arming Syrian Rebels

AP sources: US close to OK on arming Syrian rebels

This gets difficult. Pro-democracy like ... ? Egypt? The USA? Turkey? Venezuela?

"The administration has been studying for months how to rebalance Syria's war so that moderate, pro-democracy rebels defeat the regime or make life so difficult for Assad and his supporters that the government decides it must join a peace process that entails a transition away from the Assad family's four-decade dictatorship."

Are we the new Western Power shaping the Middle East? Is anyone fearful how it will turn out?

The USA may have acted in the Middle East as it did in Latin America-support governments rather than people. Have we thought this through? I'd like to see some thoughtful, logical analyses of the options considered...

NSA & Social Functions

A person you have met at several social functions calls to thank you for bringing beer to the party... This person happens to be a person of interest, & you are now linked to them thanks to meta-data and cross-referencing by the FBI... Is that enough for local LE or the FBI to come stop you, search you, search your car, search your house, or stop & search your child? Thus, probable cause *is* important-as is civilian, judicial review of what LE or the FBI think is probable cause...

Though the government doesn't, I'd liken their Verizon-grab to LEOs thinking someone at a Red Sox-Yankee game may be involved in an illegal activity-without having any proof or probable cause against a single individual... So the LEOs search the inside of every car and stop and search every person at the game.

Yes, finding criminals is harder without the ability for LEOs to just stop and search every car and person. Yet, that isn't the issue...The issue is whether such stops & searches are *legal* and *Constitutional*...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Deadly Force...

Is it ever justified?

If not, why?

If you think it is justified, when is it justified? This is the point most people start to disagree-when can you use deadly force...

Do you have a right to be responsible for your own safety or do you think an individual gives up that right in "society" and entrusts that right to the LEOs? In other words, do you think you have to wait for the police? 

If someone breaks down your front door & comes into your house with a weapon in hand (gun, knife, bat, ...) and grabs your child and starts to drag your child out of the house, is deadly force justified? Does the weapon, or lack thereof, matter?

Does your answer change if the intruder/kidnapper starts to take your child into a car to drive away?

Or, would you rather die than take another life?

Let me say, there is the rule of law (that varies by jurisdiction) and there are moral & ethical opinions. There is also emotional positions... The answer depends on you and may be "right" for you and "wrong" for everyone else.

Would you feel okay with shooting someone who had just destroyed your front door and was entering your house? Would they need to do ... more? What else might be required? How close do they have to get? Do you know how much distance a person can cover in 3 seconds? Do they have to appear threatening? Would a 140 pound woman or man meet this definition? Or, is it they had just broken into your house enough?

Do you have to wait for the police? When is it acceptable to act on your own? What if the response time to your door was 30 minutes? Do you feel as safe as someone whose door the police can get to in 3 minutes? Does the time matter?

Don't just rely on your initial emotion or thought... Use your slow-thinking (that logical thought process). Question your thoughts, test your position.

What say you?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Rose colored glasses...

People who kill people generally have mental health issues. Sure, some are drunk, some might have a heart attack or be low on blood sugar, ...

Usually, it isn't the diabetic or cardiac patient causing mass deaths though...

Solve mental health issues, and you don't need to worry about the tool used.

Had a mentally ill person driven a Ford F250 through a chainlink fence and onto a children's playground, the focus would be on his mental state rather than on the truck...

We have to remove the rose-colored glasses before any solution will be found to any problem...

After these types of tragedies, we usually find someone noticed odd behavior but "didn't want to get them in trouble." We wouldn't ignore someone bleeding on our couch, but odd behavior isn't something most people want to report...

A diabetic looks like they are on drugs-repeating themselves and their actions-when they are low on sugar... You calling for help may save them and whoever they may crash into later..

Help people rather than ignore people...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Word of today…



1. An area of muddy or boggy ground.
2. A complicated or confused situation.

bog - marsh - swamp - quagmire - slough - mire - fen